What holidays?

I started a dozen posts during the holidays, but I failed to finish any of them as I was busy reading books and watching movies and loving every minute I could get with my kids, with my siblings and their kids, with my labies, and with fewer and fewer visits with my doctors.

Christmas is a blurr. New years is a bigger blurr. I barely documented the holidays with my fancy camera.  What I did document looks something like this...

He's pretty super. Kid had Christmas loot coming out his ears, but this cape and mask I picked up at the very last minute at WalMart for less than $5 took the cake. He wears it every day. He asks for it before he's really awake in the morning. It often goes something like "Mom, where is my super suit.. WHERE IS MY SUPER SUIT." This is when I remind him that he is not Frozone and I am not responsible for his super suit.

We rarely leave the house without it. He has many drawings of his super hero alter ego. Today he called to tell me that we should probably think of a secret name so nobody knows that it's him. "You know, mom, like Mr. Incredible."

And this....

We gave my sister's kids Just Dance 3 for the Wii for Christmas. We threw it in at my mom's house one afternoon and this is what happened. For hours and hours and hours. He joined in without a remote. He won every dance off. Just ask him. According to him, he's the reigning family champion.

Our holidays were filled with crime fighting, dancing, and a lot of time together. There will be more about the girls. But, for now, enjoy his moves.

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Kalli said...

He's a friggin' gold medalist